Rugged laptops including but not limited to Getac s410 and the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 55 have cellular modems that allow the rugged computer to be connected to the internet out in the field. There are a few different carriers and they have different strengths and weaknesses. Which network is right for you?
To successfully activate your rugged device with the internet, you need an IMEI number and a SIM card number. The IMEI number is a unique number to each modem. The SIM card is a little card that is inserted into the rugged device. The SIM card also has a unique number associated with it. Recently in the last 12 months at the time of this writing, an embedded sim - or eSIM - has become popular. This eSIM does not require you to physically insert a card. eSIM offers the advantage that allows the end user to scan a barcode from a box and report for activation instead of having to physically install something and possibly mix SIM cards and devices incorrectly together.
Cellular Modems and Rugged Computers
The cellular modems themselves are made by different companies than the manufacturer of the rugged hardware. While Panasonic makes devices like the TOUGHBOOK 55 or Getac makes the B300 they do not make the modems themselves. The modems that are commonly used in these rugged laptops / tablets are made by Sierra Wireless, Qualcomm, and Thales Cinterion. To save on costs for users that don’t need it, typically rugged computer manufacturers will retain the cellular modem as an optional hardware feature that is not included by default in all rugged computer configurations.
The GSMA Database
The GSMA is a non profit trade association. They are the authority on valid IMEI numbers to be used on all cellular capable devices including rugged laptops / tablets. Once a cellular modem is manufactured it gets an IMEI number. The first 8 digits of this number are known as the TAC number. This distinguishes what manufacturer made the modem. The cellular modem manufacturer will keep it’s own system to issue the remaining numbers ensuring they are unique. Once the modem has been created, the manufacturer either needs to register the IMEI number with the GSMA or the manufacturer of the rugged laptop / tablet has to register the IMEI number with the GSMA database once the rugged laptop / tablet has been created. This process is important to ensure that counterfeit cellular modems are not being added into devices. Counterfeit modems can provide sub standard service and compromise the privacy of the user. Sometimes the IMEI accidentally does not get uploaded to the IMEI database. When this happens the device will not be able to be activated. While this might cause an issue for the user at first, it should be able to be fixed by the manufacturer.
Computer Certification on Carrier Networks
The rugged computer manufacturers like Getac, Dell and Panasonic have to pay to get each new device certified to work on the cellular carrier’s network. That’s why you will find many knockoff brand rugged devices that don’t have cellular capability. The lesser known rugged device manufacturers are too small to pay for these rather expensive network certifications. If the device is not certified, then the IMEI numbers typically can’t get on the GSMA database. This may seem like a money grab by the cellular carriers and in some ways it purely is. The cellular carriers also use this as a tool to ensure only quality products come on to their network. They create this barrier so inferior knockoff technology that is marketed to function - but poorly made - does not tarnish the reputation of the cellular network. If you bought a tablet that didn’t have good cellular signal would you get upset at the tablet or that the carrier’s signal isn’t good? There could easily be a scenario where it’s the hardware’s fault and not the carrier so they do not want to take this risk.
Check out the next 2 upcoming Rugged or Die blogs for more information about cellular connectivity and how it applies to the rugged computing world!